Browsing CategoryPositive Thinking

Feeling Disappointed: How to Deal With Disappointment

Feeling disappointed is a feeling everyone is bound to experience. We all will encounter situations where things won’t go your way. And it’s frustrating when we invest ourselves into relationships, businesses, and opportunities that don’t turn out as we like. But frustration, anger, and sadness will not change the outcome. And if we don’t address and manage our feelings appropriately, disappointment can grow into depression and even despair. Here are a few tips to that I have used to help me take active control of my feelings and ameliorate your pain. 1. Don’t Repress Your Feelings of Disappointment One of…

Stop Making Excuses And Take Charge of Your Life

stop making excuses

If only we could stop making excuses, we can radically change our lives and do much more than we ever thought we were capable of. Making excuses is convenient. It is easy, cheap, and we can use excuses to deflect responsibility. Excuses allow us to stay still and stop ourselves from changing to the better. However, we can learn how to stop making excuses using my “excuses-countering method,” and begin to see the difference we want in our lives. Three Steps to Stop Making Excuses I have experimented over the years with different techniques to help me stop making excuses.…

Develop a Positive Mental Attitude Using 2 Positive Thinking Exercises

positive mental outlook positive attitude

Having a positive mental attitude can make a huge difference to your present situation (and future one). I have found from personal experience that developing a positive mental attitude is actually not that hard. It is hard only if you don’t have access to the proper tools and techniques. I am here to share two tools/exercises with you to help you build a positive mental attitude. 1. Positive and Negative Mental Attitudes In order for us to better understand how to develop a positive mental attitude, it’s important to first understand negative thinking – including the role it plays in…

Willing to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

People can sometime be their own toughest critics and their own worst enemies — all at the same time. They let their limiting beliefs step between themselves and their goals. They convince themselves that they’re not cut out to become successful, or realize their dreams, or reach financial abundance and live the life they truly deserve and desire. Their limiting beliefs have become so ingrained in their subconscious that they really don’t need anyone to put them down. They put themselves down by themselves and give up without any external pressure whatsoever. They’ve trained themselves to lose out before they…

How to Practice Self-Compassion (The Right Way)

The road to success is filled with obstacles and roadblocks, and before you succeed you’re going to fail; not once, but many, many times. It’s an inevitable part of the process. And what determines whether you will get up and keep trying instead of letting go and surrendering is your ability to deal with failure emotionally. One of the hallmarks of success is having high self-efficacy. In my article on self-efficacy, I discussed the importance of having an unrelenting drive to realize the compelling vision that you’ve created of yourself. I described self-efficacy as being part and parcel of the…

4 Gratitude Exercises For Well-Being (#3 is best)

Recent scientific studies shows a direct relationship between gratitude and well-being. That is, the more grateful you are to what you have in your life, the happier you will be and the better quality of a life you will lead. We all go through unforgiving times – stress is high, unhealthy tension at work, family drama, financial problems, etc – and without a proper coping mechanism, all these negative thoughts and feelings can decrease how happy we feel. Thankfully, there are a number of gratitude exercises that you can practice to stay in control and experience more overall happiness in…