Browsing CategoryHabits

How to Keep Your Space Clean and Orderly

I’ve always struggled to keep my place clean and orderly. It was never a priority to me. I was busy doing a lot of other things and I didn’t want to spend my free time organizing my place or cleaning it up. (I kept it acceptably clean…by a guy’s standards). I know a lot of people like that too. As long as their place is not too dirty and their clothes are clean, they won’t invest the extra time in polishing their space. But, now that I am older and wiser, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of having a…

8 Tips to Fall Asleep Right Away at Night

I’ve written a popular post on how to wake up early in the morning. And I’ve received great feedback from those who’ve read it. In this article, I am going to write on how to fall asleep right away when you go to bed. When I got the idea for this post, my first thought was that those who will find me through the google search engine are going to be people who are lying in bed having a tough time sleeping. And they’re looking for a quick fix. If you’ve been following this blog for some time, you probably…

Meditating in Everyday Activities

Take a deep breath. Most people rush themselves into doing a lot of things. They are in a rush to eat and to finish eating, to work and to finish working, to work out and to finish working out and even to walk and just get to places. They don’t savor the moment. Rushing in your everyday life and wanting to just “get it over with” takes the life out of your activities. It takes wakefulness and intentionality out of it and in doing so you grow into becoming less and less in touch with your authentic self. 1. Mindfulness…

Best Time of the Day to Work on Habits

In my last article on forming super sticky habits, I tried to clarify how one can develop and acquire a new habit in 21 days. There, I also critiqued what has become commonly known as the 21 day habit formation myth. For the full article see here. In this article, I want to focus on the factor of timing, also known in psychology as (TOD); or time of the day All the habits that I’ve acquired and still practice to this day were habits that I began working on either first thing in the morning or early on in the…

How to Stop Laziness and Output Failure?

Idle, unengaged, and always behind. These are the dreaded traits of the lazy. Having this kind of attitude toward your life and your work can do a lot to set you back. In particular, it will prevent you from exploring the joys of creating value. Instead of materializing creativity, lazy people will opt to consume superficial entertainment, whether watching T.V, eating junk food, or simply lying around all day. Given the many negative consequences of this habit, laziness is considered in all major religions as a sin. It’s one of the seven deadly sins in Christianity and is believed to…

Why You Don’t Procrastinate in the Bathroom?

how to avoid procrastination

If you’re a perfectionist (see below), the answer to this question will save you. Prolonged bouts of procrastination can seriously harm your productivity and hinder your progress. Procrastination plagues everyone doing almost anything. People procrastinate writing an article, studying for exams, paying the bills, sending an email, making phone calls, etc. But what why do we procrastinate and is procrastination another symptom of laziness? 1. Are Procrastinators Lazy? People often equate procrastination with laziness. After all, they seem a lot alike. Lazy people and procrastinators avoid working on their assigned tasks. They don’t make the progress they should make when…