Browsing Category90 Day Challenge

Effective Decision-Making: How to Make an Effective Decision And Stick to it

effective decision making

We all need effective decision-making strategies to run a business, promote our products and elevate our brand. But we also need effective decision-making in our personal lives – to live better and be happier. 1. The Mechanics of Effective Decision-Making The way effective decision-making works, in my view, wholly depends on two things: It depends on how you psychologically frame the problem you are facing And how much will-power you have to push through to act on your decision. People fall short on one of these two items – or on both. We have all been there, and it sucks.…

30 Day Blog Traffic Update

Wow! I am 1/3 of the way into my 90,000 words in 90 days challenge! I’ve been writing a 1000+ word every single day for the past 30 days! Check my archives for those 30 articles! Today, I am writing article number 31 and in it I am going to share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned about writing and about myself and how this challenge has affected my blog. 1. Time Management The best way to write, and to write a lot, is to treat writing like a job. Rain or shine, you’ve got to get to…

The “Lucky” Entrepreneur

With every season comes change and variety. But some people won’t change. They’re stuck on the same old ways. And I am particularly referring to entrepreneurs who believe in luck. Sure, there’s an element of luck in entrepreneurship, but it becomes a problem when you rely on luck to do the work for you. I call such people “lucky” entrepreneurs. I don’t mean they’re successful, I just mean they’re waiting for luck to turn their business around. Are you a “lucky” entrepreneur? How much of your thoughts about your business are anchored in chance? 1. Effort v. Luck I recently…

Why You Shouldn’t Become Vegan at Once

A vegan lifestyle has numerous benefits. It can lower your risk of cardiovascular diseases as well as give you a sustainable boost of energy throughout the day. But in addition to the personal benefits you’d get from living a vegan lifestyle, this choice also has moral significance with respect to the way you interact with nature and other sentient beings. When you choose to become vegan, you also choose not to instrumentalize animals. But I am not going to discuss whether it’s right to go vegan for moral reasons. I think it’s up to you to decide what your starting…

The “No Hack” Approach to Motivation

Most people don’t need motivation to start on a new goal. People buy workout DVDs, they join a gym, they start taking business classes, they start working on a new habit but they soon lose steam and stop. People have a general sense of what’s good for them, but they struggle with sustaining their motivation to see their goals realized. And, contrary to what you may think, you don’t always need motivation hacks to kick start your motivational levels. Sometimes these things are not enough. What you need is a strategy of action. Read on. 1. How to Motivate Yourself?…

Why You Aren’t Sticking to Your Goals And How to Fix it

Getting up in the morning and feeling excited to take on the day is a feeling we all want to have in our lives. Most people, however, don’t experience this excitement beyond the first month of starting a new habit, a new business, or any new endeavor. They get distracted quickly and within a relatively short period of time they’re off track. All the work that went into sticking to a new diet is now gone. The hours of planning and the cooking and the selection of healthy food just got thrown out of the window. You’ve lapsed back into…

Firm Up Your Value System to Make Rational Decisions

It’s easy to make emotional decisions. The way we feel produces a powerful force in us to do certain things (or not do them). And our emotions, including how we feel about the choices we want to make, can be easily manipulated by ads, movies, friends, relatives, and more. In fact, we are exposed to 5000 ads a day. Yes that’s five thousand, and that number keeps growing. So there is an abundance of emotional stimuli around us and this stimuli can easily influence how we behave. It has the power to sway us into acting against what we believe…

How to Use the Law of Attraction?

how to use law of attraction

Ever since The Secret was published, people of all walks of life have used the Law of Attraction (LoA) with mixed results. Some swear by it, while some swear at it. The Law of Attraction is premised on the idea that the energy, thoughts, and beliefs we carry; the so-called “vibrations,” tend to be self-fulfilling. We bring into our lives the people and events that match the vibrational frequency that we put out into the universe.  And the more we focus on these thoughts and beliefs, the more likely it is for the universe to respond to us. Simply put,…

How to Get Rich By Tomorrow?

Being rich, at least for most people, is measured in terms of liquidity, i.e cash in the bank. Per this definition, you become richer when you have more cash in the bank tomorrow than what you had the day before. Let’s work with this and let me ask you: Can you think of a way to become richer by tomorrow that doesn’t involve any investments or products and with minimal to no effort? If you haven’t figured out the answer for yourself yet, then you really need to start exercising your creativity muscles. You can become richer by tomorrow by…

How to Fix a Broken Relationship

Every relationship will go through a period of intense strain. Anything can strain a relationship, from chronic financial stress to differences in opinions and lifestyle choices. And if these things continue to linger in your relationships without being addressed head-on, the relationship will eventually reach a breaking point. I am assuming that you’re reading this article because you’ve reached the breaking-point, but you nevertheless believe in the value of your relationship. You want to continue your relationship with your partner because you see a future for yourself with that person. However, no matter what you believe about the potential of…